Pairwise fitting emdb-5034 on emdb-1814 by gmfit

Pairwise fitting of target emdb-5034 on reference emdb-1814 by gmfit(PID:582712).

RANK[6] Corr.Coeff:0.318 [JSmol] [Molmil]
Structure of a type IV secretion system core complex [Ngauss:20]
[Download superimposed target map (CCP4) (emdb-5034)]
Structural Comparison of HIV-1 Envelope Spikes with and without the V1V2 Loop [Ngauss:20]
[Download the reference map]
Other Transformations rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Corr.Coeff. 0.357 0.353 0.344 0.341 0.322 0.318 0.318 0.303 0.295 0.276

Procedures to view this superposition in your local computer by "UCSF Chimera".

  1. Download the Reference map "", and read it.
  2. Download the Target map "", and read it.
  3. Copy following two command lines into a file ''.
    turn 0.707207,-0.416542,0.571272 118.760112 center 0,0,0 model #1
    move 154.772583,278.000739,-130.162340 model #1
  4. Open '' to execute it.

    * Don't move the map/molecule by your mouse until the step 4 have been finished !!