Pairwise fitting pdb-3j0f on emdb-1084 by gmfit

Pairwise fitting of target pdb-3j0f on reference emdb-1084 by gmfit(PID:3569479).

RANK[2] Corr.Coeff:0.020 [JSmol] [Molmil]
b'SINDBIS VIRION ' [Ngauss:20]
[Download superimposed target atoms (PDB)(pdb-3j0f)]
The PM2 virion has a novel organization with an internal membrane and pentameric receptor binding spikes. [Ngauss:20]
[Download the reference map]
Other Transformations rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Corr.Coeff. 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020 0.020

Procedures to view this superposition in your local computer by "UCSF Chimera".

  1. Download the Reference map "", and read it.
  2. Download the Target molecule "3j0f"(PDB-format) or "3j0f"(mmCIF-format), and read it.
  3. Copy following two command lines into a file ''.
    turn -0.931122,0.341789,-0.127252 96.355237 center 0,0,0 model #1
    move 296.863072,253.559022,555.004033 model #1
  4. Open '' to execute it.

    * Don't move the map/molecule by your mouse until the step 4 have been finished !!