Instruction for the "ghecom" program

Takeshi Kawabata ( )

Laboratory of Protein Databases
Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University

This software is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3, see .


The source code of the ghecom is written in C, and developed and executed on the linux environment (actually on the Fedora Core). For the installation, you need the gcc compiler. If you do not want to use it, please change the "Makefile" in the "src" directory.
  1. download the file "ghecom-src-[date].tar.gz" file.

  2. tar zxvf ghecom-src-[date].tar.gz

  3. cd src

  4. make

If the sources is successfully compiled, the execute file "ghecom" will appear in the "../src" directory.

[Summary of various spaces identified by ghecom program ]

MODE(-M) Type Definition by Mathematical morphology Description
P Pocket [(X * P) and Xc ] o S A small probe S can enter, but a large probe P cannot.
M Multiscale-pocket argmink [(X * Pk) and Xc] o S Prepare K large probes {Pk}, and calculate pocket for each large probe Pk:
A small probe S can enter, but a large probe Pk cannot.
V Cavity unionKk=1[IX(Ck [Xc - P]) + P] A probe P cannot enter from outside.
CP Cave pocket ((Cout[(X + P)c] + P) or X)c o S An internal probe S can enter, but an external probe P cannot enter from outside
((Cout[(X * P)c - P] + P)c and Xc) o S

Notation for mathematical morphology
X VdW volume of protein
P large (external) probe
S small (internal) probe
Pk k-th large (external) probe
- erosion
+ dilation
* closing. X * P = (X + P) - P
o opening. X o P = (X - P) + P
IX[Y] return Y only if Y access to the outside around X, otherwise return nothing
Ck[Y] k-th connected coponent of Y
Cout[Y] The component of Y connected to the outside.

[How to use the ghecom program]

  1. Simple Pocket Detection (MODE='P')

    A pocket is defined as a space where small probe S can enter, but a large probe P cannot.

    Standard Usage

    ghecom -M P -ipdb [input_pdbfile] -opocpdb [output_pocket_grid_pdbfile]

    For example, to find the pocket for the pdbfile "3wz8":

    ghecom -M P -ipdb pdb3wz8.ent -opocpdb 3wz8_pock.pdb

    Options for input PDB file are summarized elsewhere.

    Options for grid pocket calculation:

    Options for output

    Options to obtain spherical (non-grid) probes:

    3wx8 chain A and the ligand IXV

    3wx8_P.pdb colored by model number,,
    COMMAND: ghecom -M P -ipdb pdb3wz8.ent -ch A -rs 1.87 -rl 10.0 -opocpdb 3wz8_P.pdb -opocmap
    rendered by UCSF Chimera

  2. Multi-scale Pocket Detection (MODE='M')

    A multi-scale pocket is defined using K large probes {Pk}.

    Standard Usage

    ghecom -M M -ipdb [input_pdbfile] -opocpdb [output_multi_scale_pocket_grid_pdbfile]

    ghecom -M M -ipdb [input_pdbfile] -opocpdb [output_multi_scale_pocket_grid_pdbfile] -opdb [out_receptor_file_with_Rinaccess]

    For example, to find the multi-scale pocket for the pdbfile "3wz8":

    ghecom pdb3wz8.ent -M M -opoc 3wz8_multi_pock.pdb -opdb 3wz8_multi_recep.pdb

    Options for input PDB file are summarized elsewhere.

    Other options are summarized as follows( A string in the blackets [] is the default value):

    Output options as follows:

    If a user wants to calculate the Rinaccess(shallowness) value for binding ligands, following two options should be added.

    Options to obtain spherical (non-grid) probes:

    3wx8 chain A and the ligand IXV

    3wx8_M.pdb colored by bfactor (depth)

    3wx8_M_rec.pdb colored by bfactor (pocketness)
    COMMAND: ghecom -M M -ipdb pdb3wz8.ent -ch A -opocpdb 3wz8_M.pdb -opocmap -opdb 3wz8_M_rec.pdb -ores 3wx8_M_res.txt
    rendered by UCSF Chimera

    Residue-based pocketness drawn from "3wx8_M_res.txt".
    red: 1st largest cluster, green:2nd largest cluster, blue 3rd largest cluster.

  3. Cavity in the molecule (MODE='V')

    The "cavity" is difined as the space where a probe P cannot enter from outside.

    Its standard usage is as follows:

    ghecom -M V -ipdb [pdbfile] -rl [radius_of_probe] -opocpdb [cavity grid file in PDB]

    For example, to find the cavity for the water in the pdb "1mbd":
    ghecom -M V -ipdb pdb1mbd.ent -M V -rl 1.4 -gw 0.5 -opocpdb cavity_grid.pdb

    For another example, to find the big cavity for the GroEL/ES (PDBID:1aon):
    ghecom -M V -ipdb pdb1aon.ent -M V -rl 20 -gw 4.0 -opocpdb cavity_grid.pdb

    Options for input PDB file are summarized elsewhere. Options for grid pocket calculation:

    Options for outputs

  4. Cave pocket (MODE='CP')

    The "cave pocket" is difined as the space where an internal probe S can enter, but an external probe P cannot enter from outside.

    Its standard usage is as follows:

    ghecom -M CP -ipdb [pdbfile] -rl [radius_of_external_probe] -rs [radius_internal_robe] -opocpdb [cavity grid file in PDB]

    For example, to find the big innner pocket for the GroEL/ES (PDBID:1aon):
    ghecom -M CP -ipdb pdb1aon.ent -M CP -rl 25 -rs 10 -gw 4 -opocpdb pockgrid.pdb

    For another example, to find the small binding pocket for the AMP (PDBID:12as):
    ghecom -M CP -ipdb pdb12as.ent -ch A -gw 1.0 -rl 3 -rs 1.87 -opocpdb poc.pdb

    The options for the cavepocket are quite similar to those for the pocket.

    Options for input PDB file are summarized elsewhere.

    Options for grid pocket calculation:

    Options for outputs:

    Cavity:Rlarge=20 [1aon_V.pdb]

    Cavity:Rlarge=20, []
    COMMAND: ghecom -M V -ipdb pdb1aon.ent -gw 4.0 -rl 20 -clus F -opocpdb 1aon_V.pdb -opocmap

    Pocket:Rlarge=25, Rsmall=10 [1aon_P.pdb]

    Pocket:Rlarge=25, Rsmall=10 []
    COMMAND:ghecom -M P -ipdb pdb1aon.ent -gw 4.0 -rl 25 -rs 10 -clus F -opocpdb 1aon_P.pdb -opocmap

    Cave Pocket:Rlarge=25, Rsmall=10 [1aon_CP.pdb]

    Cave Pocket:Rlarge=25, Rsmall=10 []
    COMMAND:ghecom -M CP -ipdb pdb1aon.ent -gw 4.0 -rl 25 -rs 10 -clus F -opocpdb 1aon_CP.pdb -opocmap
    rendered by UCSF Chimera

[Common options for GHECOM]
