eF-site ID 6mqd-A
PDB Code 6mqd
Chain A

click to enlarge
Title Myotoxin II from Bothrops moojeni complexed with Rosmarinic Acid
Classification TOXIN
Compound Basic phospholipase A2 homolog 2
Source ORGANISM_COMMON: Lance-headed viper; ORGANISM_SCIENTIFIC: Bothrops moojeni;

Functional site

1) chain A
residue 125
sequence P
description binding site for residue ROA A 201
source : AC1

2) chain A
residue 126
sequence F
description binding site for residue ROA A 201
source : AC1

3) chain A
residue 127
sequence C
description binding site for residue ROA A 201
source : AC1

4) chain A
residue 44-51
type prosite
sequence CCYVHKCC
description PA2_HIS Phospholipase A2 histidine active site. CCYvHKcC
source prosite : PS00118

5) chain A
residue 95-105
type prosite
description PA2_ASP Phospholipase A2 aspartic acid active site. LCECDKAVaIC
source prosite : PS00119

6) chain A
residue 16
type SITE
sequence K
description Cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000305|PubMed:29287778
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

7) chain A
residue 20
type SITE
sequence K
description Cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000305|PubMed:29287778
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

8) chain A
residue 115
type SITE
sequence K
description Important residue of the cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6, ECO:0000305|PubMed:29287778
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI2

9) chain A
residue 118
type SITE
sequence R
description Important residue of the cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6, ECO:0000305|PubMed:29287778
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI2

10) chain A
residue 122
type SITE
sequence L
description Hydrophobic membrane-disruption site (MDiS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI3

11) chain A
residue 126
type SITE
sequence F
description Hydrophobic membrane-disruption site (MDiS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI3

12) chain A
residue 123
type SITE
sequence K
description Cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI4

13) chain A
residue 129
type SITE
sequence K
description Cationic membrane-docking site (MDoS) => ECO:0000250|UniProtKB:I6L8L6
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI4

Display surface
