eF-site ID 6a91-B
PDB Code 6a91
Chain B

click to enlarge
Title Complex of voltage-gated sodium channel NavPaS from American cockroach Periplaneta americana bound with saxitoxin and Dc1a
Compound Sodium channel protein PaFPC1
Source (TXI92_DIGCA)
Description (1)  Sodium channel protein PaFPC1, Mu-diguetoxin-Dc1a

Functional site

1) chain B
residue 21
type SITE
sequence D
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

2) chain B
residue 33
type SITE
sequence Y
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

3) chain B
residue 41
type SITE
sequence R
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

4) chain B
residue 44
type SITE
sequence K
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

5) chain B
residue 48
type SITE
sequence F
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

6) chain B
residue 49
type SITE
sequence S
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

7) chain B
residue 56
type SITE
sequence D
description Interacts with insect Nav channel => ECO:0000269|PubMed:30049784
source Swiss-Prot : SWS_FT_FI1

Display surface
